Hope you continue to enjoy the good days Ed. I think that when we say good days we are really saying it with tongue in cheek because a good day is when you wake up with nothing wrong with you healthwise and you have the energy to do everything you planned.
about 40% of my days are what I consider good and I always say thanks to Him for every one because they are priceless. Some days start good but all of a sudden the fatigue overwhelms me and I have to give in to it. This can happen anywhere anytime. Like you, I usually have a quick shut eye at about 2pm, maybe for just 20 mins but this is usually enough to pick me up. Sometimes my legs seize up and thats a reminder that I have forgotton to take my hit of levadopa.
I am sure you are right in saying that a good nights sleep helps us to overcome our symptoms which are made worse by stress.. What meds do you use to help you with this and do they make you feel drowsy the following day.
Anybody else out there have identifiable good days and do they follow any pattern?
All the best