Hello everyone. I have a few suggestions; If you are giving sinamet and they are unable to swallow, it is best to take a tablespoon, put a little drop of water on it, let it melt (usually takes less than 30 seconds)..and mix it with a little scoop of icecream. They eventually hate applesauce and pudding but love the icecream...vanilla flavor masks the sour taste perfectly.
For problems with constipation, you almost always have to give prune juice and water . Warm the prune juice in the microwave for 30seconds and follow immediately with water. Collace is another option. The only thing is to have to get them on a bathroon schedule. If they have an "accident" there's a high probability that they will develop UTI (uninary tract infection) and the most severe case I've had was when my patient stopped eating...we cleared the infection and then she got her appetite back.