Good Evening,
Other than the tremor and dizziness there doesn't seem to be any other symptoms.
High blood pressure has been a problem for my husband for a few years now and the meds has caused collapsing and palpitations - this took a few months under the cardiologist to get to the bottom of.
One of the down sides to the NHS in the uk is the waiting lists. My husband is going to have to wait until the middle of Dec until he can see a neurologist and then maybe put on a further waiting list to get scans etc as it is seen as being not immediately life threatening.
My husband is very worried because of the tremors that it is PD but the dizziness doesn't seem to be a primary symptom.
Once again I would like to take this opprtunity to wish you all well and thank you for the time an trouble taken in replying to my post.
My kindest Regards