I will try to keep this short and detailed.
A month or so ago while taking a perscription of Ciprofloxacin for an infection i didnt have i noticed my hand would get VERY cold.
This happened almost only at work.
The cold hand was followed by mild throbbing/aching.
So i started to examine my hand.......and noticed some rigidity where my fingers seemed to ratchet down (mild) ... i also noticed the same in my wrist and shoulder....my shoulders..when i shrug up they shake on the way down.
when i show my hand to others i get the "oh yeah i see that--what is it" look or comment.
I've been under a GREAT deal of stress/anxiety the past month or so and its getting worse. And daily im researching parkinsons/anxiety symptons im becoming a darned expert convincing myself i have parkinsons.
My hands also tremble/shake (mildly) but it could be stress/poor diet/ lake of sleep etc...
My number one concrn in my life now is the rigidity in my hand/ shoulders/neck etc...(MILD)
please..any help or comments anything to ease my mind.
My doctors appointment is tonight.