Yesterday flattened with exhaustion, awful pain and burning sensations in legs and palms of hands. Pains ran all round my body and spent most of the day in bed or bath. Too tired to do anything and everything hurt, noise, light, sound, movement.
The previous day twin took me out, did a good deal of walking but brought wheelchair for parts.
Then in afternoon went out again this time in the wheelchair and the photosensitivity was horrendous. It was agony in the light hence reprecussions yesterday and today.
Went to rheumy for Lupus workup bloods and all fine and thinks the pain is neuropathy and now it is ALL looking neurological, even rheumy says so.
The muscle enzymes were high which indicated something happening in the muscles = inflamatory?
But none of the above would be any way related to Parkinsons surely?
I also was eating nausea meds and I was in a mini physical hell.
I shall be going back to Ireland a bit worse re the burning and prickly sensations all round body and less able to walk but still no positive answer to what really is going on. Slightly more convinced I have a parkinsons illness confirmed more or less by my twin's neuro.
xx Ann