My name is DJ and my father was diagnosed with PD about
8 years ago. Since his diagnosis he has changed dramatically. He is not the father I knew before. The father I once knew was outgoing, strong, athletic, a leader and a role model. Since his diagnosis he has remained in a constant state of depression, avoids crowds, no will to participate, and his motor movements have really declined. He can walk, but very slowly with short steps. He is experienceing "freezing" for the first time over this last week. His speech is poor, he studders or slurrs his words often. His memory is extemly bad. His intellect is also going down hill quickly. It seems as though he can't understand the simplist of things. This man, my father--I love darely and I am having trouble watching and seeing him decline. I don't know how much time we have left-a year, a couple at best is my guess. I love my father and I am so sorry for anyone having to cope with this disease. Your family and friends love you, please fight for them even if you give up on yourself, we still need you. God bless all of you.