Hi....I am hoping someone may have some suggestions for me. My FIL is 66, and was diagnosed with Tendonitis about 2 1/2 yrs ago by is PCP. Well, he was taking the meds and it wasn't helping the shaking in his hand. His PCP gave him a referral to a Neurologist, but wouldn't go. Well, he's seen his PCP several times since then, and keeps telling him he needs to get evaluated, as now both his hands shake as well as his arms. He cannot cut up his food. He seems very depressed. He seems to be getting around much more slow, and looked a bit hunched over last time I saw him. My mom has worked in a Neuro's office for 13 yrs, and sees this everyday w/ Parkinson's patients, not to mention my grandfather had Parkinson's, so we have experience with it. I offered to take him to my moms work, and everyone in the family has tried to get him to go. I know he is probably scared, but I am starting to get mad at him!!!! He can't even pick up my daughter anymore. Why would he let himself deteriorate like this without getting help???????????? Now, I know he hasn't been diagnosed, and there is a small chance it could be something else I guess, but I am afraid he's getting to the point where he will start shuffling like my grandpa did. OMG, thank you for letting me vent. Does anyone have any ideas how we can continue to encourage him to go???? Do we need to take a stronger approach??? Do we just drop it??? Thank you...