Hi Sparky: You're not experiencing anything unusual, especially upon having your cath removed TODAY! You shouldn't expect to have any control right now, but things will improve as time goes by.
I was a gushing faucet for many days after my catheter came out. I would also tend to "let loose" when I fell asleep on the couch or recliner during the evening hours (7 to 10 p.m. or so). Surprisingly, once I went to bed after 10 or so, it was a rare occurance for me to even wet my pad, even during the early post=op days.
So I say, put a plastic liner under your side of the bed, wear a pad and some jockey "tighty-whities" to keep it in place and you'll be OK.
Don't get yourself upset over this. You're in the worst phase of incontinence right now -- your urethra situation has been through a lot of trauma, but things will get better.
Hang in there.