Your uncle's diagnosis is very similiar to my father's. However, my father's pathology report following surgery showed one lymph node involved. Therefore, he did have surgery and is currently undergoing salvage radiation.
I agree with aus, there are other options out there. Get another opinion, but be prepared to get different opinions. We spoke with a number of specialists and a lot of my father's treatment decision was based on his post surgery PSA. If it would have come back high, radiation might not have been an option. However, it came back .05 therefore, based on a recent study shared by another forum member (TC Vegas aka Tony the Great) and one of the radiation oncologists we spoke with, we decided to go forward with radiation. We are hoping and praying that any spread is localized and that the radiation will get rid of the rest of it. A lot of medical experts will say that once the cancer gets out of the prostate, there is no cure, however, I have heard of a number of cases that have been put into remission in worse cases.
An example, one of the radiation oncologists we met with shared his personal experience. His father in law had three lymph nodes involved and had radiation 14years ago and has had an undetectable PSA ever since. Will this happen for everyone? Probably not, but I am hoping it will be the case for my father. You have to make the best treatment for your family and don't give up hope. If you are interested in seeing a few studies related to node positive cancer, let me know and I can email them to you. Good luck!