I'm not a numbers girl in any way but I would be interested to know this.
We've had several newcomers to the site who are well under the age of 50. Given that most doctors do not routinely screen for prostate cancer until the age of 50 I'd like to know where you fall in respect of the average.
My husband, too, was well under 50 when diagnosed at the age of 44 - no signs, no symptoms and his cancer would have gone undetected for 6 years if our doctor had followed the "normal" testing age. Like many who are in the under 50 category, we have heard "you're too young", "We're not used to seeing patients your age", "what are you doing here - we don't usually do this test on men your age" ... Maybe it's time to change the "normal" testing age - sad I know but if it can save a life, I say it's time to review and change standard practices ...
Since women don't like to tell their age, I won't ask you guys to give it up either. So, were you:
Under 40
70 plus
Knowing what I know now, I don't think I'll be surprised by the varying ages on this forum. Good wishes to each and everyone one of us that is travelling this bumpy road.