Food for thought...
This is a thread I started for a little baby, a friend within my family, fighting for her life. In the unexplained part of this thread IS us. And those parents. I can relate. We lost a baby. The pain is still in my heart. It was over ten years ago. But I will never ever shake it. Can I blame God...I did. Can I blame politicians...I did. Can I blame the institutions and their people...I did. What I had the hardest time doing was looking in the mirror. Because there I also found the image of blame. I would rather have fired up my RV and drove to the prettiest places I could find than volunteer my time to help a brother in need. I would rather have donated a buck than tried to help get that buck donated. It is my belief that God gave us the means to cure cancer from the start. We, all of us, did not respond and we do not stand the test of time in our efforts. Only when we needed as individuals for the cure did we respond. Was that enough?
Imagine that everybody was taught to give time. Time to help cure. Imagine that we all volunteered to help those in need. Would it solve the problems? No individually. But in concert, before I would blame God, before I would blame the politicain, before I would blame the researcher, I would ask that you ask...Have you done enough? I volunteer and give time to my charities. Not as long as there those in need. But don't count dollars....Count effort, your own effort. Have you saved our brethren? Have you saved Hannah? Blame God? Not me. I pray for forgiveness. And I try to help instead. I want to see my baby...
Imagine we ALL cared proactively...unfortunately.
I am very sorry for this outburst.
Please pray for little Hannah...