Hamilton Jordan, Chief of Staff for President Jimmy Carter, died of cancer today at age 63. He had prostate cancer, which was surgically removed, but died of another type of cancer.
Here are 10 tips for cancer patients from his book, No Such Thing as a Bad Day. It is good stuff to remember for all of us.
Tip No. 1: Be an active partner in the medical decisions that are made about your life.
Tip No. 2: Seek and know the truth about your illness, and prognosis.
Tip No. 3: Get a second opinion.
Tip No. 4: Determine upfront how broad or narrow your physician's experience is
Tip No. 5: If you have a poor prognosis, or a rare form of cancer, try to get to a center of excellence.
Tip No. 6: Do not allow your caregivers to project their values, goals, and expectations onto you.
Tip No. 7: Understand the economics of cancer care
Tip No. 8: Ultimately, find a doctor that you trust and believe in.
Tip No. 9: Treat your mind as well as your body.
Tip No. 10: Your attitude and beliefs are your most powerful weapon against cancer.