I just went in for my first post op follow up appt with my doc this morning. The da vinci is the way to go. My doc has done both open and da vinci and firmly believes he can do a da vinci better. I believe him. I had the da vinci surgery on 4/8/08. I was back at work for a few hours 16 days after surgery (only 6 days after the cath was taken out). Then 1/2 days a week later....then full days the last couple of weeks. Incontinence was a bit of a problem for the first week after the cath was taken out, then 3 pads, 2 pads, 1 pad over the last couple of weeks.
I suppose I looked at it like I really had no choice....at my age, overall health, physical condition, and activity level surgery was the only way to go. Then it became a choice of which method.
Good luck....although you (your husband) really doesn't need good luck....you just need a good doc and good anatomy