Hi everyone, it is one year since my operation, and after the op, and follow up radiation, my PSA is still 0.5. Saw the urologist yesterday, he said that maybe a few cells had escaped into my system, OR the radiation still needed more time to work, he said that he was hoping for a PSA of 0.2 but this may still be achieved. he said that he had patients whose PSA was around 0.5 for the last 8 years.
My wife asked him if there was any way that the cells (or cell) could be traced, and he said that as the cells were microscopic an MRI or bone scan could not detect them. I am seeing the oncologist on 13th Aug. so will ask him about a ProstaScint scan, can this scan detect small cells? don't know if they do this here, so will ask.
On the other hand, I might just be getting into a tizz for nothing, eh?
Regards Mal.