My husband will be 4 weeks post op on monday. He had Robotic prostatectomy on 8-25. he has had 2 orgasms, one with my help last Sunday and again 3 days ago(alone). After which that day and/or day after, he experienced the blood in his uring, with a clot or 2 coming out both times. I have since read and he has heard form his doc that this is normal, the slight bleeding, but s it related to orgasms?
Also, he wants to know when he can work out, even just long leisurly walks on treadmill. His doc would like him to lose at least 15 lbs. Also, several docs he consulted with, Including Scardino at Sloan, said weight has a direct coralation with cancer. Being overweight even by 20 30 lbs greatly contributes to your chances of getting some sort of illness/cancer, prostate cancer in particualr. Anyone else hear this?
My husband is an ex pro baseball player and has always worked out and taken care of himself, and his docs all say he is in excellent health. This prostate thing runs in his family. One doc also said his sons(we have 3) also have a 100% chance of developing it, but they are hoping for a preventative vaccine in the next 5 years. Any feedback?