Just came back from my doctor's office. After having one in for 44 out of the past 45 days since surgery, a kind and sneaky nurse got catheter #2 out of me without any pain in the flash of an eye. She was good. With the extra 13 days of healing, and not taking any of the bladder spasm med during that time, the doctor thinks things will work out fine this time. If not, he's at my local office 2 blocks from my house until 5, and will be at the main Greenville office the rest of the week. If it stops flowing, he said just drive in without calling first this time. He also gave me some free samples of pyridium for the burning sensation, that's the neat stuff they gave me in the hospital that turns your urine into "Tang", neat color.
He wants to wait a full extra 6 weeks to do my first psa, I was a little disapointed with that since it has been 6 1/2 weeks since surgery, but he hasn't been wrong with me yet.
Happy to have that cath out, probably had 2 dozen or more painful spasms yesterday, and even had 3 in the 20 minutes waiting for the doctor. Been a rough past 6 days for sure, so I hope I pee and pee, and make it through the next 24 hours without any stopage, that would do a lot to build my confidence back. I sure don't want cath. #3, I would go out of my mind. Thanks for any and all concerns.
David in SC