Hi, everyone,
New to this site and would really appreciate feedback on prostate cancer.
Here is the facts.
My father is 75 years old, he was diagnozed with pre- & canerous cells of the prostate 3 years prior.
received radiation therapy for 6 months as well as the hormone estrogen.
Progress was made, clear for 3 years.?? and changed provinces.
Annual checks were not done.
Prostate is now Grossly inflammed and the Biopsy has been done.
Extreme gaurding of the lower abdomin, back pain, No fever, excessive urges to void.
Frequent urination and prolonged.
Persuaded him to go to Emergency and scan his lower abdomin as well as run the blood tests.
In which they ran the most basic tests.
What other tests shoud he be looking to get done?
He currentlly can not void on his own and wears bag to release the urine.
Tests are pending on the Biopspy.? Should this not be done A.S.A.P. with his current history?
Could you please inform me of what I can do to help him and what other tests should be run to help him through this challenge.
I would like to be able to escalate the proper leve of care needed to stablize this situation.
Greatly appreciated.
Curious 2