It was two years ago today that I started what I hope turns out to be the rest of my life. It's hard to believe it's been 2 years since I underwent surgery for prostate cancer and started the journey. It's been one that has taken me from highs of thinking the surgery had taken care of the problem to the lows of having reacurrance readings of PSA about
10 months later and undergoing salvage radiation and the good results at least to date of that treatment. One will never know for sure what tomorrow holds so I choose to live today to the most it can bring. It's changed me both physically and mentally and I know how lucky I am to have this chance. Enjoy life and meet and love family, friends and people in general. I don't get here as much as I used to or would like to but I will still try as best I can. This site was a great help to me as I went through my trials and I can't say enough about
the support this site gave me.
So I hope all can have great tests and reports and treatments and never lose the faith and hope and enjoy people and have fun for we are all here today for each other.