Age 47, no problems, went for routine physical check up to primary Doctor. No history of Pca in males in my family.
November 2008 primary care Doctor DRE found "firm on one side", PSA was 3.9.
December 2, 2008 Urologist says watch and wait or Biopsy? I chose Biopsy.
December 29, 2008 Biopsy performed (Christmas was not fun...!) Dr. said I have a 33 cubic cm prostate but it should be around 20 cubic cm. TRUS found no dark spots. Found out Jan. 9, 2009 I have PIN.
Folks, I was really worried these last 6 to 8 weeks but I guess I got not great news but good news yesterday. Doctor said no prostate cancer but that I do have PIN. He said not a big deal if your 77 but at 47 I'll have to be watched. So I'll get a PSA every 6 months and visit the Urologist for a checkup. After having my first prostate biopsy I can say I am not a big fan of that procedure but it looks like I may have to get more down the road. I guess the "silver lining" is that if I do get Pca they will catch it really early. The Dr. said as much as 50% of PIN can turn into Pca later. I also read that by age 50 about 50% of males have some kind of PIN. I guess I'd like to say to others reading here there is hope when you are diagnosed with an abnormal DRE and a slightly high PSA that it can be things other than Pca. Hang in there all of you. Regards, Chris