It's been a week since my doctor "scoped" me up the penis, and it is still sore and feels weird up there at times, and all he was doing was looking around. We leave at 0930 in the morning Tuesday to go back to the hospital. I am not thrilled about
being put under so soon after my
open RP, but realize that I can't handle the pain of what they are wanting to do. Just worried in general, how much pain will I be feeling after when they stretch the urethra and snip and trim and whatever else they do up there after I get home and the meds where off. And of course, I will be on cath #5, he didn't say how long, but I would imagine at least a week or two. And then I tell myself, great mental torture game, what if I go through all this, and still don't have good natural
opening to urinate on my own, or if it is too large, end up wetting my pants forever. In this area, I just wished my original surgery had been completed without a snag. My wife has been wonderful through this whole process, but I think she is tired of seeing me more like a patient then a recovering person. Sorry for the gripe, but I really am tired of the whole scene. I mostly wish I would just wake up from this nightmare that began as PC.