Need to be at the hospital at 0-dark-thirty for the 7:00 DaVinci procedure. Hope it can go that way due to gut surgery back in '98. If not, then I willl speak to the doc to see what alternative we'll do.
open? I will find out. Lots of family coming in to wait while I take the chemically induced nap. All supplies laid in at home along with some good books, Tiger Woods Golf on the Wii, and my good friends here to lean on if need be. Really looking forward to my Sunday dinner of chicken broth and jello followed by the bowel prep. Have been stockpiling newspapers and such while I'm, Uh...busy. I don't anticipate any problems and, just for grins, filled my gas tank today in anticipation of driving around. The one good thing about
where I live is that I'm surrounded by pasture, one block from work, and I've got 4 wheel drive so I can go to the office if I get bored here. No city streets while tethered to the tube. Insurance wouldn't like that. See you on the other side.