KW and JerseyCity:
Thanks to both of you for responding.
BTW, I have had 2 sessions already, so I am familiar with my format. Two sensors are applied externally to the lower abdominal area. A third sensor is inserted rectally. That sensor also supplies the electrical stimulation. The two-part session itself is I previously described.
Prior to my first 2 sessions, I only had seen studies showing indefinite conclusions about biofeedback with electrical stimulation. So, I was skeptical, and my cooperation mirrored my skepticism. Lately, I have seen additional and more recent studies concluding that biofeedback, combined with electrical stimulation, is helpful in speeding up continence. This has changed my attitude, and I now wish to do whatever is required to make each session the best that it can be. My principal concern focused on the amount (amplitude) of the electrical stimulation. The study from Prysberterian Hosp. in NYC talked about a "mild" electrical stimulation. Other studies have talked about a more substantial electrical stimulation, with the theory being that sufficient voltage must be applied to cause a reflexive response in the pelvic floor muscles. So, in my session tomorrow, I guess that I'll go with the concept of ramping up the voltage until it hurts, and then backing it down to a more tolerable level. I'll first discuss it with the therapist (I am not comfortable with the scope of her knowledge - but she does try). I'll give that procedure 2 to 4 sessions, and then see what happens. At the halfway mark (6 sessions), I'll try to touch base with my operating surgeon (or with his partner who performed the biopsy), and discuss with him/them the details of my status.
BTW, as to the kegels at home, I have done them, and continue to do them, religiously.
JerseyCity - I am aware, as you may have found, that the mere passage of time may present the cure. Just as you, and others, have done, I will try to make the most of each opportunity --- and if it's just the passage of time, so be it.