I had lymphoceles appear a couple of weeks after surgery (a lymph fluid cavity from sampling lymph nodes) which caused a severe fever and fatigue collapse reaction, so they put in a drain, a small tube 3" below my belly button that went to a 3 way valve and a leg bag like a catheter bag.
Different experience, but just sharing what I went through. I lived with it for a month. It was necessary to be careful to bandage it securely so that it didn't get yanked around, and I had to change my own bandage to get through showering and stuff. It was very very strange to look down with the band aid off and see this tube coming out of me. But basically, it did not cause me any problems (except for having to be repositioned once because it got stopped up. That was a fever and daylong visit to the doctor and a heavily sedated procedure and a near miss on rehospitalization). My anxiety focused on getting the volume of fluid expelled from the lymphocele to decrease (it started at 500 mL a day, and had to be below 25 mL to get the tube yanked) which was done by time and back injecting betadine through the 3 way valve. The removal was lay on your back, cut the stitches, and yank. I was surprised at how quick and painless that was, nothing at all.
Anyhow, bottom line, you can live with such a thing for quite awhile and go about your business. Good luck to you!