I was wondering if anyone else has had iron deficient anemia following prostate surgery. My husband had surgery last April 2008 In January 2009 at an annual physical with his internist, the blood work showed anemia. He tried to take oral iron to boost his counts but couldn't tolerate it. Yesterday he was seen by a hematologist who did additional blood work. The tests that he did, confirmed iron deficient anemia. This doc looked at my husband's records when he was in the hospital following the surgery and noted that his hemglobin was at 8 when he was dismissed. I recall the urologist telling me that Ron had lost quite a bit of blood that he would be able to replace it on his own without a transfusion. Obviously, that hasn't happened as he is still anemic. The hematologist told us that the IV iron has many side effects and if Ron can't take the oral iron supplement to try and supplement his diet with iron riched foods. Since we have been avoiding red meat, that is a difficult task. Just wondering if anyone else has had the same experience. Thank you. I enjoy this site and have learned lots from it.