Hi Everyone: My husband was diagnosed april of 2007, since than he has had radiation and hormone therapy. Hs psa was good until march 2009 than his psa started to rise so oncologist also has him on casodex. It's the old waiting game again to see if it's working. psa test again end of July.
I try to cope as best as I can and I know this isn't about me, but would like to hear from some other wives that are going through the same thing. My husband is awesome and his attitude is awesome. He gets hit with this psa rise and for a couple of days he's down and than he just picks himself up and goes on. He has a lot of muscle aches which is always tough because he worries about spread.
I'm supportive the best way I can. The problem is sleeping I think I'm doing okay, but obviously my mind isn't as I have terrible dreams and when I get up in the morning I'm just as tired as when I go to bed.
I thought maybe if you wives out there had anything to offer that would be great. I don't have my family support, but I do have my kids support , but you know it's hard for them so I try not to discuss too much with them. They are all 3 adults and all 3 close to their dad so it's really tough for them. I do have a best friend I confide in, but it's not the same as I'm sure you all know, it's different when your husband has cancer.
I love my husband dearly and it may seem odd, but since he was diagnosed we are closer than ever. Sex isn't something that has been possible and I'm not kidding when I say I don't care as long as I can share my life with him.
Any thoughts would be much appreciated.