Sounds like you guys ought to stick to discussing what you know and it appears none of you know much about Protons.
Just seems to be very topical to diss the teatment based on cost or proof of efficacy.
U of Penn recently released a study showing that PBT delivers 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 times less radiation to adjacent tissues than IMRT. Radiating adjacent tissue and possible positive margins is one of the reasons I went the PBT route.
Blue Cross of Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Illinois has dropped any action taken to stop reimbursement for protons. This happened several months ago, partly due to letter writing campaigns from PBT patients in those states.
I find it funny that except for NM all of those states have a treatment center.
Loma Linda has published 10 year data from 2004 and is ready to publish 15 year data soon.
engineer55 how do plan to prove that PBT is or isn't more efficacious? There is a reason that no randomized studies have been done not the least of which is an ethical issue in who would you choose to not receive PBT?