Hi Joe:
Welcome to the forum...as you noted, you will fine LOTS of good info here as well as support. Actually, this thread that you found is a good one to demonstrate the debate between radiation and surgery.
Specifically, in answer to your questions:
1. You note the short term effects correctly. However, most of these are well controlled with a 2-3 month Flomax prescription. Other than some avoidance of lots of caffeine or over-indulging with alcohol, life should be perfectly normal almost immediately post procedure.
2. The only major long term side effect is the possibility of ED...though slightly less than with surgery. That may occur 2-3 years after the seeding. However, if your sexual functions were working well pre-seeding their is a high liklihood they were work just fine later. If ED does occur, it is likely to be helped with Levitra, Cialis or Viagra.
From the brief stats you provided, you should do well with either brachy alone or with the additional radiation you referenced.
Good luck and let us know what you decide,