Hello All -
I just discovered this forum 2 days ago, while recouperating from daVinci RRP. Looks like a very informative and supportive group. My story is as follows: I am 54 and have had normal PSA's every 3 years since age 40. Then after a no PSA's for 4 years, I had a 6.7 in 3/09. Two sets of needle core biopsies were required to establish a diagnosis of 3+3 involving < 5% of 2 cores, among a total of about 30 cores. With a normal DRE & ultrasound, some would consider "watchful waiting" a viable option but I was uncomfortable with that so I opted to get the sucker out. My surgery on 9/17/09 went well, my path report confirmed a very small focus of 3+3 with negative margins (pT2a), so I was feeling pretty good until the catheter came out yesterday on post-op day 11.
My immediate question is about continence training. I am doing keegles as prescribed. I am drinking lots of fluids during the daytime, but find that while up and walking around this just leaks out - my bladder pretty much seems "offline" and unwilling to expand while mobile. Alternatively, I can rest in a recliner chair, drink lots of fluids and build up some volume, but as soon as I get up it begins flowing. So... from the collective wisdom of those who have gone before me, is it better at this stage to walk around dripping and hoping my bladder wakes up, or is it better to lie back and give my bladder something to work with before making the mad splash-n-dash to the BR? I know that this will get better, but want to use my limited recovery time to best advantage as I am due back at work next Monday.
Thanks to all