9 days out from my daVinci prostatecomy, just before getting my Foley catheter pulled, I suddenly developed an incredibly tender right testicle. I think this was acute epididymitis, as it was not the testicle itself that was sore, but the testicular adnexal structures along the bottom outside edge. I received a course of antibiotics for this which calmed things down somewhat, but I am now about
1 month postop and still have quite a bit of nagging tenderness there.
In the medical literature, epididymitis is not an uncommon complication of vasectomy. And face it guys, all of us who have had our prostate out have had bilateral vasectomy in the process, although much further downstream than the guys who do this for birth control. Prostatectomy is reported to have somewhere around 6-10% incidence of postop epididymitis. Still, I have heard nothing about testicular pain on this site and find no hits in the search box. I doubt that I am the only one putting up with this smoldering tenderness, so how long does this last?