There is a myth that there are no 2nd chances after radiation, IMRT or Brachytherapy. Many on this forum have stated that they chose surgery because if it faled there was always radiaton to fall back on.
This is not true! First for any salvage technique to work the reoccurrance must be local, approximately 25%-30% of all reoccurrances are local in either surgery or radiation; the rest are systemic and cannot be salvaged with any technique.
For failed radiation salvage surgery is difficult and should only be done by an expert surgeon, even then the results and side affects are not good. Cryosurgery and HIUF are also salvage therapies for radiation, these have good cure rates, but again the side affects are not good.
The best salvage therapy for failed radiation is HDR Brachytherapy. These are temporary implanted radioactive rods that can be precisely placed, even the seminal vessels and uretha can be treated.
The side affects are better than either cryo or HIUF and cure is in the 80% range at 5 years.
So if anyone says that there are no 2nd chances in radiation, they are dead wrong.
For Brachytherapy only patients a 2nd seeding with a different isotope can also be done; but it appears that HDR Brachytherapy is becoming the best therapy for failed radiation that is local.