Just got home after spending 3 1/2 hours at my county VA office. The advice I got on the phone a month or so ago was dead on, you do not want to try to initiate the claim yourself on line, despite the fact that the VA makes it possible. It was such a complex mess of forms and counter-forms, and little "I got you catches" in the verbage. I would strongly advise any one else here to go to your Vet office if you want to file a claim.
I have to go back Monday and bring a few more documents, thought I had thought of everything. My claim is officially recorded now and on its way to the regional office for my area in Columbia SC.
As I get replies from the VA, the county rep wants to see every word so they can keep pushing. She said best case example was about six months for approval, worse case was three years. But she promised she would fight every inch of the way.
While I was there in the waiting room (and there were no young vets today, just old farts like me), someone made the mistake of asking me why I was there. And that led to an in depth discussion and education to the other men about prostate cancer in general. I love those natural opportunities to push our cause. One man was just dx a day ago, Gleason 7, PSA 6, low % cores, and of course, his dr is already pushing immediate surgery. We talked about 2nd opinions and options. Two other men promised to get PSA tests in the near future.
I don't care if we have to reach men, one by one by one, we all have to try our best to get the word out.
Home resting before I go for radiation treatment
David in SC