I am so sorry you had to join our club here, but we are glad to have you! There is so much good info from the members and the moderators. Don't be scared to ask any question. The best results come from informed men who know their options.
I am in California and had my biopsy done in a small office. The doc used a black and white ultrasound. He did find several areas of cancer. Then they referred me to Univ of Calif San Fran and there they used a color doppler and found even more.
So I am a supporter of color ultrasound. And also it is good to get a second opinion. Since I am not from that part of the country, I am sure others will read and suggest a place to go in the Detroit area.
I was panicking that I might have prostate cancer and what if I would lose my erection capabilities, be incontinent, or whatever. Well, not that 15 months has passed by since surgery, it was not that bad..... And having the cancer gone is better than getting an erection whenever I wanted one. I have no problems, especially if I use Viagra.
So take it from the ones who have been there, it can be scary, but gets much less scary when you know the facts.