Today was my 38th, one more to go. Experienced the most pain yet, in all 7 zapping positions, the SP tube and area, as well as my penis and rectal areas burned with pain. I almost signaled them to abort in mid-stream, but decided to eat the hurt and get through with it. Was a 25 minute session today. Couldn't even get my feet raised out of the body mould by myself. Took both techs to get me out of it, and seated up right again. I swear, had enough. One more to go, and they asked me to move it up to 1000 on Friday instead of the afternoon. Told them I was glad, just want this nightmare to be over with.
Left the clinic with deep burning pains, having a full spasm from the cath, and so nauseated thought I was going to hurl getting into my car.
Home now, dressed more comfortable, and took some med, hoping to ease off the pain a bit. The penis pain and rectal pain kept me awake a good part of the night once more, so its taking a toll on my beauty sleep, lol.
The poor guy that had cancer in his mouth and is having IMRT for that, had to abort his midstream today, as he did hurl. They gave him meds for the nausea, but his wife said the med made him even more sick. He won't be coming back until next Monday.
Also said goodbye to my new friend, Johnny, the one I told you guys about, the Viet-Nam vet, Gleason 10, already lost a leg to PC and now its in his lungs. I implored him to call me anytime, and I will come visit him in person where he lives.
Almost through with this mess, be glad to get on the healing side of this too.
David in SC