Herophilus.........Pre-surgery, I had gotten myself in 10-mile shape and did a tough 10 miler one week prior to my surgery---by design. Then, post surgery, I waited 'til the 4-week mark before I attempted to run again. I started out doing 3, which didn't do me in, and gradually increased to the usual 5-6 mile, 3 times a week routine. But by training higher, it was easier for me to come back at the usual level w/o setback. Incontinence at first wasn't bad, just a few dribbles, which wasn't much different than at times before surgery :-)...never felt like there was extra space in my innards, either. Now, I did wait approx. 10 weeks to go back to weight training, which I did at the 2-3 times per week level, and then at much lower weights. I'm now back to where I was this time last year on the cardio and weights. But I echo the advice of the other guys here; do everything gradually
As a runner, you know your body will tell you where you are----listen to it.
I've always considered my running as a spiritual experience/exercise, and it's even more so after my PC diagnosis and treatment----------good luck on your comeback trail!
Arnie in DE