good advice for all, realziggy. I think that most of the guys here who do come to us either while being tested or just after diagnosis have a much better picture painted by the guys here, as opposed to those who come after treatment. I'm speaking in generalities , of course, but coming here does at least let new guys have a chance to read and reflect and maybe slow down a little before deciding what they want to do.
This site does follow national statistics, in that the majority of PCa diagnosis is treated with surgery, so there will always be a majority of surgical guys here at this site, just as it will be with any national statistics, until new and different methods of treating PCa is widely available and accepted by the general population. Even we surgical guys who think about
it realize that ours wasn't the only way to go, in most cases, and like to understand how others went their ways. In my case, I wasn't eligible for Seeding, nor for some of the other newer methods available, due to gland size, so I was actually reduced to just one option. But I often wonder--what if..............?