Hi Rhb47,
It sounds like you're at the stage that my husband (age 65 at diagnosis) and I were in this time last year. Hubby had a gleason 6 with 2 positive cores and a small palpable nodule. In addition to our local urologist, we consulted with the head of GU oncology at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa and with a nearby radiation oncology group that could provide seeds or CyberKnife procedures.
All along the way we were told that his cancer was small and slow growing, and that we could take our time (up to 5 years) to decide upon a course of treatment. After seeds and the CyberKnife treatment were ruled out due to his "unique" anatomy (born with only 1 kidney and a large bladder diverticulum), he decided to have surgery. His local urologist recommended Dr. Patel at the Global Robotics Institute. Hubby had his robotic radical prostatectomy in November of last year. The good news was that he did very well and regained his continence almost as soon as his catheter was removed. The bad news is that his cancer turned out to be much worse than everyone had believed - Gleason 5+3=8, positive margins, extraprostatic extension, perineural invasion.
Dr. Patel and his staff have been absolutely wonderful. The care at both his office and the hospital has been outstanding. I'm a retired nurse and kept an eagle eye on everything that was said and done to him throughout our journey up to this point, and I can only echo the remarks made by a previous poster about her and her husband's experience.
Dr. Patel spends time with us, talks to us in terms we can understand, is honest and up front about the possibility of a recurrance due to the aggressive nature of hubby's cancer. We've had two followup visits so far at 6 weeks and 3 months post-op, and so far his PSA's have been undetectable! We go back again in June for another check. Dr. Patel told us that if the PSA goes up at all, hubby will need to have radiation therapy, and also that there is a good chance that it will. We're learning to live from PSA test to PSA test, and it will be that way for years to come.
Best wishes to you both as you begin this journey!