Thanks Tony, Todd now has gotten my email with some info and web links to look at. I forgot how high his psa level was, nobody wants to see those far his response has been very good, now how to watch it like a hawk. Todd I would get psa tests done often enough right now while waiting to choose something else, like 2-4 weeks if possible, but I have been one to get psa's often, with walkin psa tests at $15 whenever and compared with my quarterly docs tests, have even got 3 psas in June (experiment additive I was working on)-LOL! (I will go outside the box).
Switching drugs and trying to fool the PCa seems to work in most other patients (generally). Some guys are into year 17 battling this from the beginning (not the lower stats to start with guys). They also have done various protocols but got responses. There are some guys in Canada & USA at the hrpca group whom are into some longer term protocols right now that we can follow when posted onto their group as to the time frames and protocols, etc. (really invaluable information to see what goes on in the oncology world).
Probably at some point Todd will try on a different drug protocol and I'm going to say right now, very likely to get decent response because patients whom get good response on first line hormone therapies, usually do well on second line therapies...of course in all can vary. I can only relate to what I have seen, witnessed and gone through on my own protocols and maybe read about too, so trying to be helpful if I can. Maybe find a top notch onco-doc right now even if you have to travel. I have a guy in my Michigan PCa group seeing Dr. Scholz in California a couple times a year and getting good results on Leukine and he is like year 12 or more on his case. (w/insurance of course).