End of week seven. Still fatigued, but no worse than the fifth week. Have had problems with bleeding due to inflamed hemorrhoids all this past week. I am treating as I know how with hydrocortisone suppositories (as a colitis sufferer, I am prepared). They've improved, but then gotten worse again. I asked the doc about
them, and he didn't think the radiation has anything to do with it, although he wouldn't rule it out. I am only up 2-3 times at night to pee.
I asked the doc a couple of questions:
- my PSA is down as of week 5 from 0.41 to 0.17. Is it too early for the radiation to have taken effect? His answer: what is different now from the last time I had it drawn? Since the only thing is the radiation, we'll take it as a sign that the radiation is working. (Of course, I didn't mention the thousands of prayers that have been made, but I'll leave that for a different conversation).
- he asked for my slides - did he have them re-assessed? He brought me into his office where he accessed the records - they were reanalyzed, with the exact same result as initially: 3+4, 10% carcinoma, negative margins. I asked, in light of the likelihood that the radiation is working, and that implying that the cancer is local, how does he explain the negative margin assessment? His answer - it just goes to show how limiting the dx technology is.
As I was counting down the treatments to the rad tech, she said, "you're one off. You only have 39 treatments scheduled." That was more good news to me! I have my last treatment next Tuesday!
All in all, so far, aside from the fatigue, side effects have been minimal. I still consider myself blessed, and many prayers have been answered so far. I have hope that I didn't have before the treatments began.
4 more treatments to go!