Fairwind said...
My little alarm bell went off..Why use a Swedish study for an American magazine??
HIFU is used extensively in Sweden (I think) but it's not even mentioned as a treatment in this study..Taking foreign studies at face value where all the doctors are government employees and the tail tends to wag the dog can be risky..JMHO....
I realize that this statement was rationalized with the post-script "JMHO" (just my humble opinion), but I wanted to comment lest others take this at face value.
The US is the global leader in medicine research, but it is not the only country where medical research originates and is shared in the global medical community. Sweden is in the World Health Organizations "top 10" ranking of countries, but since it's population is somewhere close to that of North Carolina it is not as prolific as other countries. The globlal medical community collaborates on studies at many levels, and the results would be considered no less reliable than other countries such as the US, Canada, Israel, the UK, etc., etc.
There are multiple HIFU centers in Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the UK, but not in Sweden.