I had my surgery on Sept 16 and the catheter was removed on Monday, Sept. 27. Since the catheter has been out, I've been totally incontinent. I realize that I may be impatient but I was hoping to see some gradual progress and that has not happened. My doctor's advice about
incontinence consisted of: "at night, you'll probably get up 2-3 times to pee. When you have a good stream going, stop peeing and hold it for 5 seconds." I've done that the first two nights but still have woken up soaking wet. The past 2 days, I've used a total of 6 pads or Depends each day and have soaked them. I find that I'm not even aware that I'm wetting myself when I stand up, sit upright or go for walks. The only way I know I've been peeing is when I discover that my protective garment is soaked to the core.
Is this something that I can expect to go away on its own over time...or...is there something more proactive that I should be doing? During the day time, I do not get a feeling that I have to go so I've been trying to head to the toilet every 40-60 minutes to pee. Despite doing this so frequently, I'm still wetting myself in between my trips to the bathroom. I do kegels during the day when I pee, also. In Walsh's book, he suggests reducing your liquid intake...which I've done. He also suggests not doing Kegels during the day as this may actually cause the muscle to tire. I've been following his advice but am wondering if there's more I need to do??? As an aside, I'm still feeling moderate discomfort in the perineal region and was thinking that perhaps the incontinence would subside as the perineal discomfort subsides.
Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated.