The test was done at the same hospital where all his PSA tests have been done. Prior to this, of course, there was no need to worry about
what happened after the decimal as there was always a number in front of it.
If I understand correctly from your explanations (and thank you everyone....for those as well as the congrats extended) that if this lab only measures above 0.06, then Tim could be at 0.01 now, PSA could rise and we wouldn't know anything until it measures beyond 0.06. It sounds like it might be worth looking for a lab with a finer calibration for the next test in February. Anyone know how to find one?
We have very limited choice here - one of two relatively local hospitals and no private labs that I am aware of.
After being shocked at the price ($120 for six 20mg Cialis pills at Wal-Mart no less!), and shocked that our insurance does not differentiate between recreational use of ED drugs and rehabilitation needed due to cancer surgery, I felt we had reason to ask the surgeon about
"off-shore" suppliers. He said some of his patients have had a very good experience with Canada - anyone have a recommendation for supplier(s) from Canada and advice about
how to do it?
I asked for and got a prescript
ion for 30 5mg Cialis and was able to get free ones with the online coupon. My poor husband - he probably felt like crawling under the exam table listening to (mostly) my conversation with the doctor. All I can say is....
It's a dirty job but somebody had to do it! We have always been grateful for our blessings but have rarely had so much to be thankful for right at Thanksgiving. This will be a special one for sure.