It's funny that I ran across this article. On my own, I asked my Uro, Rad Oncologist, and Medical Oncologist the same question. I never had Psoriasis in my life until after I had cancer for the first time (Porocarcinoma). Been fighting it ever since, about 15 years. They still don't know what causes it, no known cure, and it has something to do with confused signals from one's immune system. I had asked each of my doctors if there was any research between psoriasis and cancer in general. The medical oncologist thought it was an interesting thought and possibility, and is currently researching on his own. Below, I copied the section on cancer, and the link to the article is below it.
Psoriasis and Cancer
Another study, presented last week at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology in Miami Beach, Fla., shows psoriasis is associated with an increased risk of cancer, including skin cancer, prostate cancer, and lymphoma.
Researchers from Health Economics and Outcomes Research at Abbott Laboratories combed through their insurance claims database that has information on about 93 million Americans. They identified 37,159 people with psoriasis and compared their rates of cancer to 111,473 people without the condition; their ages were similar. People with psoriasis were more likely to have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and heart disease and to be obese.
Over an average period of about two-and-one-half years, 34.8% of people with psoriasis were diagnosed with cancer. In contrast, only 23.2% of those without the skin condition developed cancer. That translated to a 56% higher risk of cancer for people with psoriasis, the researchers report.
As for types of cancer, people with psoriasis had a 75% higher risk for skin cancer, 87% higher risk for lymphoma, and 22% higher risk for prostate cancer, the study showed.
Here is the whole link:
David in SC