Susan, just to give you a different point of view, and certainly don't mean to say this is typical, but I did not enjoy the cystoscopy. I think it was because my overly large prostate (88 cc, as I recall) was intruding into the bladder
opening, making it a tight squeeze for the scope. I would rate it at a six on a scale of 10 for pain, but not agonizing or anything.
Also, in those pre-surgery days, I was having trouble emptying my bladder, so even though the uro had me use the facilities after the procedure, I really wasn't aware he had inflated the bladder with saline. I obviously failed to empty the bladder. On the way home, I was completely taken by an urgent need to urinate, and actually did so right on the shoulder of the road, with my wife screening me as best she could from the view of other drivers. So, make sure he hangs around if necessary to completely empty the saline from the bladder.