Sorry I haven't been by sooner; I was out of town. I had an experience very similar to yours. Except that I was OK after the second catheter. When it was time to remove the second one, I asked if I could have one to take home to self-catheterize (like Sam!) in case of emergency. But they were worried about
healing tissues being weak. They also took an X-ray with dye injected into the bladder, cystogram I think? which showed no leaks. And they told me to take ibuprofen to keep the inflammation down. I was pretty worried for the next 24 hours, but things came out fine
But while I was plugged up and my wife was driving me to the hospital, the pain was making me crazy. Even though it was very quiet at 2 am, everything sounded really loud. I had to ask my wife not to talk. Every little bump on the road was so painful that I held myself off the car seat all the way there.