Today was my visit to the Uro Doc,and he suggested SRT ,which many here had predicted. We discussed my post -op PSA of 0.26. He said it wasn't a bad 1st PSA for a guy whose PSA at surgery was over 38 (49 after poking it with needles and making it mad). With that high of a count the half life was longer than this for it to dissipate.
Any way, he gave me the name of a laser Doc which I called right away. When I called I gave them my situation,with violins playing in the background
( Thanks Jeff,good call) and my appointment is set for April 6th. It could have been earlier but he's on vacation.***? Doesn't he know I have cancer to cure?
It's cool though cause the Uro wants my incontinence to get a little better first. He also took me off weight restrictions and told me I could ride my scoot again
He also said some thing about
sex but all I heard was ride again
I'm ready to start this and kick the crap out of this silly disease once and for all!!!!!!!!!!