As always, we hate to see new members here, but Welcome just the same.
Lots of folks will chime in with ideas/suggections as to getting opinions. I will suggest that you look at the top of the forum for the "really useful" thread, which is a conglomeration of experience from all of us.
Please get multiple opinions if you can before making any decisions. Your one G 3+4 takes you a step out of the "indolent" category, in my non-medical opinion. I'll suggest you read a book that was linked here in the past from Australia, and focus on the treatment / possible side effects in chapter 6:
It takes you to an Australian university for a book some professors have written. Down at the bottom of the text there is a place to click to download the pdf file at no cost. I ran all the requisite security checks at the time, and it came up as legitimate.
I wish someone had given me such a book when I was diagnosed. It should be said that nothing in the book would have changed any decision I made, but some of the information reinforces what I have learned by consolidating many more documents. The data is based on Australia, so there are some skewed numbers regarding DaVinci, as they have very few DaVinci robots there. Chapters 5 and 6 are the highlights of actual treatment choices. I read the whole thing.
Worthwhile read, in my opinion.
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I'm a surgery guy, so have my bias, but if I can be of any “non-medical opinion” help, ask.
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