Further Update:
Looks like more SE might be kicking in. Last night, during dinner, I suddenly got severe cramping, followed by the inevitable diarrhea a few hours later. It was a one-shot deal but I am still somewhat crampy. I did have cereal this morning but I may just stick to liquids today. This may all be totally unrelated to the SRT, but from the get-go my RO mentioned diarrhea as a possible SE. Did anyone else experience this?
Tomorrow might be a struggle at work. We are on a different schedule (final exams). I have a 12:20-2:20 class, then SRT scheduled for 3:20, then another exam 4:40-6:40. I usually stay and grade Exams and compute/submit final grades. Consequently, I will not be home until 9:00 PM or so. At such times I envy the teachers who give multiple choice exams and grade them via scantron machines. Of course, then the English teachers, who have to grade lengthy papers, give us no sympathy! I'm hoping these cramps will resolve before that time.
HB -- I'm curious why you did SRT. I see you had a bad pathology, but your latest PSA listed was 0.03.
Regarding fatigue, I have experienced a smidgeon, just not enough to mention. What I have experienced is this:
For the last 4 weeks, I awaken tired, unrefreshed, no energy. I then get up and stagger to the bathroom and start brushing my teeth. By the time I am done, I feel fine with reasonable energy and raring to go. It is very strange. It is kind of like a car starting in very cold weather. Let it run awhile and it is warmed up and running fine. I tend to be a night person and that hasn't changed. I am often wide awake and don't hit the sack until 1:30 AM. I have had full energy at work (I move around a lot). This week I got lazy and did not go to the gym (no excuse), but before then I have been doing my full workout with no problems. I am feeling more tired today, but that's due to the intestinal problem, I think.