My drain incision continued to leak for about
a week after the doctor removed the drain, which he did on the morning I was being discharged from the hospital. In the hospital, it drained so vigorously that the fluid would leak out around the drain tube and soak the dressing, and eventually my bed clothes and bedding.
At home, my wife, who is an R. N., would change the dressing regularly. She used 4x4's and ABD's (abdominal dressings) and secured them with paper tape. She cut apart some of the blue plastic lined surgical draping material and covered the whole dressing with that to keep the fluid from soaking through to my clothing.
You might want to have some of these materials handy at home to use after the drain itself is removed, because you'll probably have some continuing leakage for a few days.
I'm sorry to hear you're having to deal with this problem, but hope it will soon resolve itself. Good luck today.