To prevent hacking of your credit card use a disposable, single use, number.
Most banks offer this service.
You go to the bank website, enter your number and password and decide which type of number you want:
a) single use
b) single day
c) single vendor
You will be issued the type of number of your choice.
Also, any attempt to use the card will flash security and flag the source faster than you can say "rip off". Help catch slime balls.
It is almost like the pills are loss leaders to collect card info. This reminds me of the cheap electronic picture frames from China that were selling for the unbelievably low price of $18, 2.5 years ago. Unfortunately, the software supplied had 4 different types of spyware/Trojan horse: key-logger, password stealer, back door and sleeper. Target and WalMart sold hundreds of thousands and have since offered refunds. But the damage is done. How many accounts were hacked - or worse, are waiting to be hacked?
I'm sure that was a total accident and the Chinese government was in no way involved.
Post Edited (Worried Guy) : 6/21/2011 6:17:41 PM (GMT-6)