Urologists have a bias against stents for good reason. Until a temporary stent became available (Spanner), the only other approved stent in the US was a permanent, metal mesh design (Urolume) wgich I think should be pulled off the market, it's had so many complications. Consequently most urologists who have used it (the ONLY stent available until a few years ago) don't like it and quit listenning the minute they hear the word 'stent'. Spanner is no more permanent than a Foley catheter except it stays in for a couple of months and lets you pee normally and can be removed as easily as a Foley. I recommend you Google Spanner stent and see what you think. I was lucky enough to find a forward thinking urologist who was willing to try it and he's now treated a number of patients with it who have severe recurrent stricture problems. My urethra hasn't narrowed a bit in the year and a half since the Spanner was removed. I'm telling, I had one MAJOR problem with stricture (or BNC) until my urologist tried the Spanner to give the surgery 6 months to heal and that didn't allow any scar tissue to invade the urethra as it had on all previous procedure. You can call me at 619-447-3934 if you'd like. (San Diego area)